Showing posts with label Tron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tron. Show all posts

Die Anzahl der aktiven Adressen von Tether (USDT) auf TRON (TRX) und Ethereum (ETH) erreicht 6 Millionen


  • Die Anzahl der aktiven Adressen von Tether (USDT) auf Tron und Ethereum ist auf jeweils 3 Millionen gestiegen
  • Viele Händler nutzen jetzt die Tron-Plattform, die erheblich niedrigere Transaktionsgebühren bietet
  • Laut Tron wird seine Plattform weiter wachsen, solange die Krypto-Industrie ein verstärktes Wachstum erlebt 


Daten von CoinMetrics zeigen, dass die Gesamtzahl der aktiven Adressen für Tether (USDT) Stablecoin 6 Millionen überschritten hat.

Der Gründer von Tron und CEO von BitTorrent, Justin Sun, kommentierte das Wachstum der Plattform. Er erklärte, dass USDT weiter wachsen werde, wenn der Kryptoraum weiter wächst.

„[…]Tron ist gut positioniert, um die globale Abrechnungsebene und das Blockchain-Protokoll der Zukunft zu werden“, fügte er hinzu.

6 Mio. aktive USDT-Adressen auf Tron und Ethereum

Beobachter haben festgestellt, dass Anleger TRON aufgrund der niedrigeren Transaktionsgebühren der Plattform möglicherweise bevorzugen.

Der Chief Technology Officer von Tether und Bitfiex, Paolo Ardoino, verriet, dass die 6 Millionen Tether-Adressen gleichmäßig zwischen Tron und Ethereum verteilt sind, wobei beide jeweils 3 Millionen Adressen haben.

$USDt hat jetzt 6 Mio. aktive Adressen überschritten, 3 Mio. auf #Ethereum, 3 Mio. auf #TRON„, tweetete er.

Viele Kryptohändler waren frustriert über die hohen Transaktionsgebühren bei Ethereum, die zu einer verstärkten Nutzung der viel billigeren Tron-Plattform führte. Immer mehr Händler verwenden jetzt Stablecoin während des Handels, um aus kurzfristigen Trades auszusteigen.

Die Marktkapitalisierung von Tether steigt exponentiell an

Die Marktkapitalisierung von Tether ist ebenfalls exponentiell gewachsen. Der aktuelle Wert liegt bei 47,4 Mrd. $ nach 4,3 Mrd. $ zu Jahresbeginn. Der Stablecoin hat auch ein enormes Wachstum in der Anzahl seiner Token-Inhaber verzeichnet.

Die Daten zeigen auch, dass die Gesamtmarktkapitalisierung für Tether (USDT) auf Tron die Marktkapitalisierung auf Ethereum (ETH) überschritten hat. Zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens beträgt die Marktkapitalisierung von USDT auf TRON (TRX) 24 Mrd. $, während die von Ethereum mit 23,4 Mrd. $ leicht zurückliegt.


Stablecoin Tether vollständig gedeckt - USDT


Tether Holdings Limited, das Unternehmen hinter dem weltweit größten Stablecoin Tether (USDT), hat ein Gutachten veröffentlicht, das bestätigt, dass seine Tether-Token vollständig durch seine Reserven gedeckt sind.

In einer Erklärung vom Dienstag auf Twitter, veröffentlichte Tether seinen so genannten Consolidated Reserves Report (CRR). Dazu gab es auch einen Bericht des Buchhaltungsnetzwerks Moore Cayman, der die Deckung noch einmal versichert.

Der Bericht wurde am 26. März von dem Wirtschaftsprüfer unterzeichnet und soll die Richtigkeit des am 28. Februar erstellten CRR von Tether untermauern. "Nach unserer Auffassung ist der CRR, wie er von der Geschäftsleitung der Tether Holdings Limited Group zum Februar 2021 um 23:59 Uhr UTC erstellt wurde, in Übereinstimmung mit den darin festgelegten Kriterien dargestellt und vermittelt in allen wesentlichen Belangen ein den tatsächlichen Verhältnissen entsprechendes Bild", wie es in dem Gutachten heißt.

In dem Bericht heißt es weiter, dass die Reserven von Tether für den Stablecoin USDT den für die Einlösung der digitalen Vermögenswert-Token erforderlichen Betrag übersteigen würden. Die konsolidierten Gesamtverbindlichkeiten würden sich auf 35,2 Mrd. US-Dollar belaufen, während die konsolidierten Gesamtvermögenswerte "mindestens" 35,3 Mrd. US-Dollar betragen würden.

Moore Cayman merkt an, dass sich die Prüfung auf den USDT beschränke, da Informationen über den an Gold gekoppelten Stablecoin XAUT von Tether "nicht Gegenstand unserer Prüfung" gewesen seien.

Moore Cayman bietet Wirtschaftsprüfungen für Firmen und Fonds in verschiedenen Regionen an. Darunter auch Offshore-Regionen wie die Kaimaninseln und die Britischen Jungferninseln sowie Delaware, Hongkong, Großbritannien und andere.

"Tether war schon immer voll gedeckt. Das heute veröffentlichte Gutachten bestätigt das einmal mehr. Als ein führendes Unternehmen in der aufkommenden Kryptowährungsbranche wollen wir stets zu den transparentesten Stablecoins gehören", so Tether Holdings.

"Wir wollen in Zukunft regelmäßig Gutachten veröffentlichen", so Stuart Hoegner, der Rechtsleiter für Tether und die Kryptowährungsbörse Bitfinex, gegenüber Cointelegraph. Er fügte hinzu, dass der CCR am 26. März ausgeführt wurde, so dass er letzte Woche erst sehr spät fertig wurde.

Die 1:1-Kopplung des USDT an den US-Dollar wird seit langem mit Skepsis betrachtet. Viele Leute zweifeln die Kopplung an. 

Im Februar haben sich Tether und die Schwesterfirma Bitfinex mit der New Yorker Generalstaatsanwaltschaft außergerichtlich geeinigt. Diese hatte behauptet, die Firma habe bei der Fiat-Abdeckung des USDT nicht die Wahrheit gesagt. Bei dem Vergleich erreichte die New Yorker Aufsichtsbehörde, dass die Firmen 18,5 Mio. US- Dollar Schadensersatz zahlen sowie regelmäßig Berichte über ihre Rücklagen veröffentlichen müssen.

Tron Kurs Prognose – Steht der Kurs schon bald $0,10?!


Der Tron Kurs konnte in den letzten Wochen ein neues Higher High erschaffen und hat somit neue Chancen, um noch höhere Kurse zu erzielen. Wir werden uns den Kurs genauer anschauen und geben an welche Ziele vorerst möglich sind.

Tron Kurs zwischen Support und Widerstand!

 TradingView TRX/USDT Widerstand + Support


Nach einem stärkeren Anstieg hat der Tron Kurs einen Widerstand gebildet. Dieser liegt bei +/- $0,06469. Stand jetzt (27.03.2021 22:45 Uhr) testet er den Widerstand. Es ist eher unwahrscheinlich, dass der Tron Kurs den Widerstand bricht. Stattdessen gehen wir davon aus, dass der Kurs erneut den unteren Support bei +/- $0,05376 testen wird. Sollte der Kurs den jetzigen Widerstand brechen könnte er das Ziel von $0,10 schon bald erreichen. Wie wir auf das Ziel kommen, erfährt ihr im nächsten Abschnitt.

Falls du im Kryptomarkt immer Up-To-Date sein möchtest, dann empfehlen wir dir unseren Premium-Discord. Dort erhältst du Trading-Ideen sowie professionellen Trading-Support. Des Weiteren erhältst du Zugriff auf unseren wöchentlichen Analyse-Livestream am Sonntag und auf unsere Premium-Artikel. Der erste Monat kostet nur 5€. Den ersten Monat kannst du benutzen, um die Mitgliedschaft zu testen, ob es etwas für dich ist.


Tron in aktiven ABC-Sequenz

Der Tron Kurs hat in den letzten Wochen eine ABC-Sequenz gebildet sowie auch aktiviert. 

Das erste Ziel lag bei +/- $0,06610 welches allerdings schon erreicht wurde. Auf der 100ext. Linie (1. Ziel) liegt auch der Widerstand, weshalb es umso schwerer wird für die Bullen den Widerstand zu brechen. Das zweite Ziel liegt zwischen +/- $0,09271 und $0,10916. Da bei $0,10 ein Psychologischer Widerstand ist, gehen wir davon aus, dass der Tron Kurs nicht weiter als $0,10 steigen wird. Stattdessen könnte er bereits bei +/- $0,09271 – $0,10 drehen, anstatt die $0,10916 anzuvisieren.


NEWS - TRON Foundation Announced TRON Century Mining


TRON Foundation announced a new program focusing on serious promotion for DeFi services. They plan to attract as many developers and users as possible to become the leading blockchain for DeFi applications. The latest program is focused on liquidity providers.

TRON Century is a staking program that provides the opportunity to stake one token and receive five tokens in return. The previous DeFi promotion from TRON Foundation in 2021 was the TRON DeFi Hackathon with a $100 million bounty.




Great Opportunity for Liquidity Providers

DeFi platforms need liquidity providers more than anything. LPs provide the required tokens for trading pools and make the systems alive. They receive rewards for their deposits. That’s the reason staking has been an excellent opportunity for cryptocurrency investors in 2020.

TRON has started moving alongside other DeFi blockchains and now aims to attract more liquidity providers in 2021. The latest TRON Century Mining is a program for that goal. It attracts stakers with a promise to receive five tokens in return for staking one token. BitTorrent, JUST Foundation, SUN Foundation, and WINk are other partners of TRON Century Mining.

TRON Century Mining is focused on supporting the growth and development of DeFi in the TRON ecosystem. It will begin on March 8th and may continue for three months. TRON Foundation has an estimated $100 million budget for mining in plans but has promised to subsidize the plan with no limits – if the response is strong from the community.

TRON Foundation invites every user and development team to participate in the latest TRON Century Mining program. The announcement details the five token rewards:

“TRON Foundation will provide a 5-token gift pack of up to 50% of the quota as subsidy. TRON Century Mining will also include TRON Project Token Mining, where you can also earn the same 5 token rewards from mining. This also means you can mine the 5 trading pairs for rewards which would include select project tokens, realizing multiple cross-token mining!”

Five mainstream tokens of the TRON ecosystem are in the latest mining program: TRX, BTT, JST, SUN, and WIN. Interested users can participate in the program using,, and

TRON Century Mining is an ambitious plan from TRON Foundation to attract more users and developers to the new DeFi ecosystem. These plans move TRON toward an immense competition with others like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. The competition for becoming the first choice for DeFi developers will continue and become more severe in 2021.

TRON (TRX) News - Tron’s (TRX) DeFi Ecosystem Exceeds $5.7B in Total Value Locked


In brief:

  • Total value locked in Tron’s DeFi ecosystem has now exceeded $5.7 Billion
  • Tron’s proposal 51 has increased investors confidence in TRX as the digital asset is now deflationary
  • TRX’s value has more than doubled in value since the beginning of the year

The Tron (TRX) Defi ecosystem has reached a new milestone in the form of total value locked. According to the project’s founder and CEO, Justin Sun, over $5.7 Billion is now locked on the various DeFi protocols on the Tron network. Mr. Sun shared this milestone with the crypto community via the following tweet.



Tron is Now a Deflationary Asset as a result of Proposal 51

Also worth mentioning is that Tron is now a deflationary asset thanks to the implementation of proposal 51 by the network’s Super Representatives. According to data provided by Tron community member Crypto Petrov, a total of 54 million Tron (TRX) has been burned forever since the proposal was implemented on the 10th of this month. Additionally, 4,906,000,000 TRX is now frozen thus reducing the circulating supply of Tron.

Proposal 51 was implemented by the Tron community to achieve the following.

Increase the current near-minimal fees for bandwidth and energy by 3,5 times in order to encourage higher freezing rate of TRX, diminish low-value transactions (spam txs), increase security, reduce TRX in circulation, and promote the increase of TRX’s value by eventually making TRX a deflationary asset.

Tron’s Value Has More Than Doubled Since the Beginning of the Year

The implementation of Proposal 51 has had a positive effect on the value of Tron (TRX). At the time of writing, TRX is trading at $0.048 after posting a local high of $0.064 on the 19th of this month.

Tron (TRX) opened 2021 at a value of $0.026 which means that it has increased in value by a factor of 1.84x when compared with its current value and by a factor of 2.46x when compared with its recent peak value.

With the new month of March only days away, chances are that Tron (TRX) will retest or exceed the local peak of $0.064 in the days and weeks to follow. However, as with all altcoins, the fate of Tron is very much tied to that of Bitcoin. Therefore, Bitcoin needs to provide the perfect environment for TRX to thrive.

Tron – Tron [TRX] Bulls Could Finally Be In Control Of The Market


Tron – Tron [TRX] Bulls Could Finally Be In Control Of The Market

Tron [TRX] slid to the 23rd position in the cryptocurrency leaderboard after an underwhelming performance this week. It amassed mere gains of 2.80% during the same time.

Tron’s multi-year high was cut short as it noted a volatile market for three-weeks straight that has hindered the bulls from carrying the coin further.

TRX was down by 2.98% over the last 24-hours which drove its price to $0.0599. At the time of writing, it registered a market cap of $4.3 billion and a 24-hour trading volume of $3.02 billion

Tron [TRX] Daily Chart:

Tron [TRX] gained significant traction this month owing to Bitcoin and Ethereum hitting all-time highs. After breaking to a multi-year high, the crypto-asset entered the consolidation phase. And any possible uptrend signs appear to have halted.

Despite this, the support points continued to defend the current level Moreover, there here have been hints of a squeeze in volatility. The Bollinger Bands, for instance, were converging depicting a reversal in the ongoing trend. Could this mean that the much-needed rise?

Buy Pressure Gains Prominence


The Parabolic SAR sided with the bulls. Its dotted markers were found to be hovering below the Tron [TRX] candles supporting the coin’s price movement from an extended downfall.

The green bars of Awesome Oscillator also resumed depicting a shift to bullish momentum. Furthermore, the buying pressure, once again, has set in as depicted by the RSI which was well above the 50-median line and was now heading towards the overbought zone.

Previously, the RSI had rebounded after hitting a local top. But gearing up for another run essentially signified that an uptrend could be in the offing.

Taking the above charts into consideration, if a breakout to the upside for TRX does transpire, it could potentially target its immediate resistance level of $0.064 and $0.08 respectively.

Besides, the $0.05-level presents opportunities to buy the crypto-asset. Other region of support was found to be at $0.035.

Tron – Tron [TRX] Bulls Could Finally Be In Control Of The Market

Tags: Tron


Binance coin, Tron, FTX Token Análisis de precios: 20 de febrero


Binance coin, Tron, FTX Token Análisis de precios: 20 de febrero

Binance coin, Tron, FTX Token Análisis de precios: 20 de febrero

El mercado de las criptomonedas ha sido testigo de un fuerte impulso alcista en los últimos días. Como el precio de Bitcoin alcanza un máximo histórico, otras altcoins en el mercado también han estado viendo un pico en el precio. En el momento de escribir este artículo, BTC se cotizaba a $ 57360 con un volumen de operaciones de 24 horas de $ 60,4 mil millones.

Fuente: CoinStats

Binance Coin [BNB] ha sido uno de esos mercados de altcoins que no solo ha alcanzado un máximo histórico, sino que su capitalización de mercado también ha aumentado y lo ha llevado a la tercera posición en la lista de criptomonedas CoinMarketCap.

Moneda Binance [BNB]

Fuente: BNBUSD en TradingView

La tabla anterior de Moneda de Binance indicó que el activo digital se negociaba actualmente a $ 296,97, cerca de su pico en $ 368. En los últimos días, el valor de altcoin había aumentado enormemente. Superó las resistencias visibles en el mercado y finalmente alcanzó un pico.

Sin embargo, el valor ha retrocedido y se ha movido lateralmente desde entonces.

Este retroceso puede ser visible a través del RSI estocástico que se había mantenido en la zona de sobrecompra hasta que BNB alcanzó su punto máximo. Una vez que el precio bajó, el activo digital cayó por debajo de 70, lo que indica que los vendedores en el mercado estaban aumentando.

Del mismo modo, el indicador MACD, que aún era alcista, estaba a punto de presenciar un cambio de tendencia. La línea MACD se mantuvo por encima de la línea de señal, notando el extremo optimismo en el mercado, pero a medida que aumentó la liquidación, el activo se dirigía hacia una corrección menor.

Tron [TRX]

Fuente: TRXUSD en TradingView

Tron [TRX] ha estado notando que el mercado se vuelve volátil. El precio del activo digital se cotizaba entre $ 0.0633 y $ 0.0581 actualmente. Este impulso lateral pareció haber mantenido el optimismo en el mercado, ya que la línea de señal se mantuvo por debajo de las velas.

Sin embargo, las Bandas de Bollinger se mantuvieron divergentes, lo que sugiere que el precio aún podría oscilar dada la volatilidad del mercado. Incluso si el precio oscila a la baja, el soporte se ofreció en $ 0,581, y si el precio oscila hacia arriba, tendrá que volver a probar la resistencia en $ 0,0633.

Mientras tanto, el índice de fuerza relativa señalaba que TRX se había acercado a la zona de sobrecompra, pero los compradores aún no se han hecho cargo por completo.

Token FTX [FTT]

Fuente: FTTUSD en TradingView

FTT anteriormente estaba restringido a un rango corto de $ 19 y $ 21. Sin embargo, a medida que el mercado de altcoins siguió el ejemplo de Bitcoin, el precio de FTT también experimentó un tremendo crecimiento. Su valor se disparó por encima de $ 40 y, como la tendencia común observada en el mercado, retrocedió.

A medida que el precio se movió entre $ 35,56 y $ 32,04, el mercado se ha saturado de compradores. El índice de fuerza relativa destacó que FTT entró en la zona de sobrecompra hace un par de días y permaneció allí. A pesar de la consolidación, los compradores aún han mantenido el precio por encima de los 32 dólares.

Sin embargo, una pequeña corrección podría estar acercándose al mercado. El indicador MACD está cerca de soportar un cruce bajista. Esto podría significar que se estaba produciendo un cambio de tendencia.

First-Ever Cross-Chain DeFi OS Reef to Launch on Tron (TRX)

First-Ever Cross-Chain DeFi OS Reef to Launch on Tron (TRX)

U.Today1 day ago
Published on February 18, 2021 05:00 GMT+1edited on February 18, 2021 05:00 GMT+1

With the recently unveiled partnership, all users of the Reef ecosystem will access decentralized financial protocols on Tron (TRX) seamlessly through the Reef platform.

New-gen "yield farming" aggregator goes live on Tron (TRX)

According to a press release shared with U.Today, Reef, an ecosystem that aggregates the most profitable liquidity usage strategies from centralized and decentralized exchanges, has partnered with Tron (TRX).

Within the framework of this partnership, Tron-native applications and smart contracts will be accessible directly from Reef. Therefore, this first-ever cross-chain DeFi operating system will be empowered by Tron's functionality.

Reef develops an AI-driven personalized yield engine to index the whole range of available liquidity farming strategies across CEXs and DEXs.

Reef & TRON Work Together to Expand DeFi Space

TRON announced that it will enter into a strategic partnership with Reef, in order to create deeper liquidity options.

TRON announced that it will enter into a strategic partnership with Reef, in order to create deeper liquidity options for anyone who is interested in the DeFi space. While DeFi is growing in popularity, the back end of the system isn’t keeping up.

With this move, Reef users will be able to directly access TRON’s DeFi ecosystem via the Reef platform, which is the first cross-chain operating system that was built on Polkadot.

The simple fact is – while DeFi has exploded in popularity, the infrastructure to make the systems operate is lagging. Ethereum has become an expensive option for anyone who wants to enter the DeFi space, which is one of the issues that TRON and Reef are working to solve.

As a multi-source DeFi aggregation platform, Reef is well placed to take full advantage of TRON’s existing DeFi ecosystem. Reef combines both Centralized Crypto Exchanges (CEXs) and Decentralized Crypto Exchanges (DEXs), to offer its users the best options for trading tokens.

TRON & Reef To Make Transactions Fast and Inexpensive

The level of decentralization that DeFi offers is great from the standpoint of an accessible ecosystem, but from a trader’s perspective, it can be very challenging.

Reef creates a solution for anyone that needs to take a market-level view of the DeFi landscape and make informed decisions when they buy and sell assets.

Denko Mancheski, the CEO of Reef Finance, commented,

“This partnership with TRON is an extension of Reef’s efforts to collaborate with the biggest players of the DeFi world. With the aim of providing curated yield opportunities on leading DeFi platforms all under one roof and establish the platform as the easiest way to get into DeFi…Reef’s users will now be able to seamlessly participate in utilizing the TRON Network and utilize TRON’s rapidly growing DeFi platform, helping usher in mainstream DeFi adoption”

Platforms like Reef will be a vital part of connecting the DeFi ecosystem with exchanges that may offer better liquidity, and also with large investors who act as stand-alone liquidity centers.

Next Generation Liquidity

The ideas behind blockchain are sound, but as platforms like Ethereum have gained a tremendous user base, the flaws in PoW systems have manifested in super high transaction prices. Clearly, this isn’t going to be sustainable, and both Reef and TRON know that better options need to come into the marketplace.

Justin Sun, the founder of TRON, told media,

“We are excited to expand TRON’s DeFi potential by partnering with Reef Finance to bring its smart liquidity aggregator and AI-driven recommendations to the TRON DeFi ecosystem…I truly believe that DeFi is the answer to the flaws in the current financial systems we rely on and this partnership brings us one step closer to lowering the barrier to mass adoption”

Reef not only connects its users to CEX and DEX liquidity, but it also uses a smart AI to help investors get the most from their capital. With these tools, the best deals are found, and capital flows to where it will create the greatest returns.

TRON’s blockchain is far less likely to experience a rise in prices, as it is based on a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (PoS) system. As Ethereum works to upgrade its platform to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) system, the door is being left open for other platforms to enter the DeFi marketplace, and solve issues like sky-high transaction prices.

Reef and TRON certainly have the ability to innovate how DeFi operates, and also to give investors of every size a way to access an emerging asset class that may be the next frontier in global liquidity.

Tron - TRX - Price Prediction: TRX prepares for a 30% jump, eying up $0.07


Tron Price Prediction: TRX prepares for a 30% jump, eying up $0.07

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  • Tron price has found a strong support trendline on the 4-hour chart.
  • The digital asset faces only one significant barrier before a potential 30% breakout.
  • TRX must not lose the key support level at $0.052 to avoid a significant drop.

Tron price hit a new 2021-high at $0.061 on February 13 and had a major 25% correction down to $0.045. Since then, the digital asset has established a robust support trendline and aims for a breakout above a crucial resistance point. 

Tron price is on the verge of a 30% move

On the 4-hour chart, TRX bulls have established a strong support trendline formed since February 10. The critical resistance level is $0.0537, which is the 78.6% Fibonacci level of the $0.027 to $0.061 rally. 

Tron price has been rejected several times from this crucial resistance point. A breakout above $0.0537 will quickly push Tron price to at least the last high of $0.061 and potentially as high as $0.07, which is the 127.2% Fibonacci level. 

On the other hand, if the bulls can't hold the key support trendline, Tron price can quickly dive towards the 61.8% Fibonacci level at $0.047 and the 50% level at $0.0437. TRX could drop as low as $0.039 at the 38.2% Fib level.

TRON (TRX) Justin Sun on Memes Clubhouse People Sentiments and Fundamental in Cryptocurrency Space


In a recent interview, with Justin Sun when asked about Elon Musk expressing his enthusiasm for Bitcoin (BTC) and how he has talked about Dogecoin, the interviewer also asked how it is possible to see TRON slip out of the top most favored cryptocurrencies by market cap.  Further asked, why do you think it is and how do you get people more enthusiastic about itself.

Justin Sun, expressed that he believes that the meme is very important in the cryptocurrency industry, and that offering cryptocurrency is welcomed by the millennial and the generation Z – the new generation in this kind of situation – he expressed, “I believe meme is the answer.”

Dogecoin, the reason it is loved by Elon Musk, I think definitely it is because, Dogecoin is one of the most famous meme coin in the industry. And, also we have seen a lots of these cryptocurrency, also start to have these kinds of meme on the crypto.

The interviewer asked speaking of meme, we just have the Game Stock Drama, you said at the height of the Game Stock Share price that you would buy 10 million dollar’s worth? Did you do it? Sun replied, we already bought 10 million GME, one million AMC, and one million SORA. And, the game stock price drop and we just have 2 millions left.

Okay, you are going to hold.  Yes, I am going to hold even if I lose money on the GME stock, but I still believe that this is a paradigm shift, between what is going to be the most valued stock in the market.

And, the shift to this kind of a community driven or internet community driven investment is the future.  So, when the interviewer asked if this is the meme culture point that you made right? Sun replied, “Exactly.” He further stated, people make investment decisions based on community and feeling rather than fundamentals?  Exactly, so, and I believe, that these kind of culture and sentiments and also community like driven is also a kind of the fundamentals.

The interviewer asked, speaking on spending money, you spent quite a bit during the famous lunch with Warren Buffet. I was just thinking, at the end of the lunch you gave him a Bitcoin, that is probably his successful investment of 2020. 

Sun replied yes.  He also stated that he gave Warren Buffet originally two advice on why to Buy Bitcoin and Why Buy Tesla?  He stated, he can make 12 times more than what he just gave him.

TRON and Clubhouse

Interviewer stated, so, I wanted to talk about another project that you have taken in the decentralized space.  You are talking about doing a Clubhouse like app, And, I am curious about how a project like that matches with some of the sensitivities that you have seen in China – speech and censorship.  How are you going to pull that off?

Sun replied, definitely, I believe that Clubhouse is very popular in United States right now. And, I believe that Clubhouse is a very revolutionary product. He says they are strangers, but it is referred by your friends, so you can, see their social network connection while of course every country has their regulations.  So, we definitely are going to have these kinds of moderations to have to identify it based on the countries and the different kinds of regulations.  So, for example like the apps go round in several different types of counties, we will also have the server split from the major countries, guarantee the customer privacy, the same time also help us to moderate.


What is GENESIS GAME-A life changing opportunity - TRON TRX

What is GENESIS GAME-A life changing opportunity


Cypto Currency like Bitcoin has made many Millionaires and billionaires.
Now there is a chance for you to earn and become one of them who made a fortune through crypto currency via a smart contract powered payment machine called Genesis Game.

More on YorkPedia:

(YorkPedia Editorial):- Amouli, Eastern Feb 3, 2021 ( – TRON is powered by TRX cryptocurrency, which is poised to eliminate the need for intermediaries in the financial sector as well, allowing for more frictionless transactions. Tron is quickly underway to be one of the top-ten performing cryptocurrencies, according to some sources. It is currently ranked sixteenth largest, with a market capitalisation of $1.7 billion. Now with TRX coin, you can become a multi thousandnaire, multi millionaire or billionaire through this project.

Tron’s current price is $0.03. As Tron’s price is in decimals, even a slight change in the price will have significant implications on Tron’s investment. Predictions from DigitalCoinPrice show that the price of Tron could be topped at $0.09. Their estimations are very hopeful, and in seven years, Tron could reach the price of $1, This is a life-changing opportunity for you to accumulate as much as 100,000,000 TRX.


1. What is TRON (TRX)?

TRON is a decentralized virtual machine that was built to help usher in the decentralized internet. Similarly to Ethereum, TRON enables Dapp developers to create and utilize complex protocols via smart contracts that live on its native blockchain. Today the platform is best known for its transaction speeds and its lively CEO. Specifically, the platform is capable of 2000 transactions per second. This performance puts TRX on par with major payment processors such as PayPal. Best of all, TRON has zero transaction fees. You can send a million dollars in TRX to anywhere in the world in seconds and never have to pay a fee.


To grasp the monumental task TRON’s developers seek to take on, it’s crucial to understand a little about the decentralized internet. The decentralized internet differs from the internet you are used to in some key ways. Primarily, there are no hosting companies. Instead, the entire internet is run by personal users.


2.What is a smart contract?

Smart contracts are a self-operating computer program that automatically executes when specific conditions are met. With smart contracts, you can share anything of value, among strangers in a conflict-free transparent way. You can also think of smart contracts as a Blockchain based vending machine. Just like a vending machine are configured to take in dollars to dispense your choice of item, smart contracts use ether as a fuel to execute code based on pre-configured rules.


3.What is Genesis Game?

Genesis Game is a revolutionary unique DAPPS (Decentralized Applications) matrix system that is deployed to the TRON Blockchain network using smart contracts. It is a P2P support model, which ensures fairness, transparency, and justice for all.There are no mediators or intermediaries, no owners, no company or human interaction, effectively guaranteeing the fairness of all participating partners according to the rules of the Smart Contract. Genesis Game platform divided into 5 chapters,it is the most reasonable, safest, and best cutting-edge financial SUPPORT model available at this time.


Genesis Game has 7 Features

  • It can’t be deleted or changed.
  • It’s impossible to hack it.
  • It will always be there for as long as the blockchain itself exists.
  • The code is open source, anyone can read and audit.
  • Wallet needed are TRC20  wallet that has Decentralize app E.g Trust wallet(Mobile phoned) & Metamask(P.C.)


4. 1,000,000 TRX Bounty Campaign is Live

Token distribution: Airdrop will end on 28 FEB.

Tokens will be distributed to your (TRX) address after launch


1.submit Hand-held Genesis material photos to the official website to reward 100TRX

2.Submit the video taken with Genesis material to the official website to reward 300TRX

3.Provide project description video and submit the official website to reward 2000TRX


It's all systems go for Bitcoin as bulls look to cement $50,000 as support and create the "new normal" for BTC/USD


Bitcoin hits a new high of $51.3K as analyst declares 'historic' parabolic advance

It's all systems go for Bitcoin as bulls look to cement $50,000 as support and create the "new normal" for BTC/USD.

Bitcoin hits a new high of $51.3K as analyst declares 'historic' parabolic advance

Bitcoin (BTC) hit new lifetime highs of more than $51,200 on Feb. 17 as it tackled what trader Peter Brandt confirms is a “parabolic advance.”

BTC/USD 1-hour candle chart (Bitstamp). Source: TradingView

Bitcoin enters uncharted $50,000 zone

Data from Cointelegraph Markets and TradingView showed BTC/USD passing the $50,000 resistance level again on Wednesday, this time continuing into uncharted territory.

Tuesday had seen Bitcoin hit $50,000 for the first time ever, that level nonetheless failing to hold for more than a matter of minutes.

With its return, the largest cryptocurrency is in a "parabolic advance" — the fourth in its twelve-year history, analysts say.

"Big picture $BTC Bitcoin is undergoing its third parabolic advance in the past decade," Brandt tweeted alongside an annotated price chart.

"A parabolic advance on an arithmetic scale is extremely rare - three on a log scale is historic."

Responding, Kraken growth lead Dan Held noted that if counting its initial phase prior to 2012, there have in fact been four parabolic advances.

Brandt added that should the advance be violated, a correction of 80% is "most common" as a bearish consequence. Such behavior was observed in 2018 after Bitcoin peaked at near $20,000 — the market bottomed out at $3,100 one year later.

BTC/USD parabolic advances chart. Source: Peter Brandt/ Twitter

A "new normal"?

As Cointelegraph reported, various indicators nonetheless suggest that Bitcoin is far from violating any uptrend, being at the start, rather than the end of its bull run.

"$50,000 #Bitcoin is the new normal," Blockstream CSO Samson Mow declared on Wednesday.

Discussing the new price highs, others noted that macro factors could converge to create a chain reaction of adoption, which would push Bitcoin further still into price discovery.

"If you think $50,000 a bitcoin is expensive, wait until you hear that the government is about to print $1,900,000,000,000 out of thin air," popular Twitter account Documenting Bitcoin added.

Data meanwhile showed that Bitcoin had taken the momentum out of altcoin growth with its moves over the last few days, with all of the top ten cryptocurrencies except Polkadot (DOT) seeing sideways price action.

  • Cripto TRON (TRX) en el 2021


    Cripto TRON en el 2021 

    La cripto TRON pertenece a la lista de las monedas digitales más populares del momento. aunque el objetivo apunta  dos lados de la moneda, por un lado las personas qué creen qué este proyecto brindara resultados favorables, y por el otro, los expertos que aseguran que esta moneda podría caer en cualquier momento. 

    Un crecimiento lento 

    Cripto TRON en el 2021

    No podemos negar que la cripto TRON ha tenido un crime ciento lento, desde su nacimiento en 2017, pero es imposible ignorar su participación en la lista de las mejores criptomonedas del mercado, incluso ha ocupado el puesto número 10. 

    Tron fue creada por Justin Sun, el CEO de una empresa sin fines de lucro con sede en Singapur, conocida cómo Tron Foundation. Creció siendo el token ERC20 y pertenece a la red Ethereum, pero tiempo después, en 2018, logró crear su propia blockchain. 

    La cripto TRON, nace con el objetivo de optimizar la relación entre los creadores de contenido y los consumidores. Esta moneda digital trabaja mediante Delegated Proof-of-Stake, el cual es un algoritmo derivado de Proof of Stake que brinda la posibilidad de generar ingresos pasivos. 

    TRON en el mercado 

    A mediados del año 2017, la cripto tenía un valor de 0.002 USD, los siguientes dos años no fueron nada alentadores para la moneda digital, pero la llegada del 2020, trajo consigo grandes oportunidades para la industria, beneficios que TRON recibió, ya que incrementó más de un 80%. Hoy en 2021, tiene un precio de 0.05 UDS; y se espera que este incremento en los próximos días. 

    Los proyectos de la empresa y la cripto TRON, son muy ambiciosos; el intentar devolver el poder  a los creadores de contenido puede abrir muchas puertas, si lo usuarios deciden comercializar con TRON, pero no podemos cantar victoria, ya que será necesario ver “al menos” algunas colaboraciones culminadas para que los usuarios confíen en la cripto. 

    De igual manera, el proyecto en su totalidad se encuentra en una  fase inicial, así que todo podría sorprendernos. Esta criptomoneda podría convertirse en tu opción ideal para incrementar tus ingresos durante el 2021. 

    Tron’s TRX – Daily Analysis – February 15th, 2021


    Tron’s TRX

    Tron’s TRX slid by 8.28% on Sunday. Reversing an 8.94% rally from Saturday, Tron’s TRX ended the week up by 53.47% to $0.05548.

    A mixed start to the day saw Tron’s TRX rise to an early morning intraday high $0.06100 before hitting reverse.

    Falling short of the first major resistance level at $0.06428, Tron’s TRX slid to a mid-afternoon intraday low $0.05200.

    The reversal saw Tron’s TRX fall through the first major support level at $0.05395 before briefly revisiting $0.057 levels.

    A bearish end to the day, however, saw Tron’s TRX fall back to $0.055 levels to end the day in the deep red.

    At the time of writing, Tron’s TRX was down by 8.10% to $0.05098. A mixed start to the day saw Tron’s TRX rise to an early morning high $0.05690 before falling to a low $0.04955.

    Tron’s TRX fell through the first major support level at $0.050132 early on.



    TRON (TRX) marginally ahead of Ethereum (ETH) for total USDT usage


    TRON (TRX) marginally ahead of Ethereum (ETH) for total USDT usage

    • The numbers of USDT transactions on Tron have surpassed the USDT transaction volume on Ethereum.
    • Ethereum still tops Tron in terms of market capitalization but Tron is closing the gap on other metrics.
    • High transaction fees on ETH is driving users towards the adoption of Tron as a more feasible alternative.

    Tron (TRX) is evolving as the fastest-growing blockchain for USDT issuance. According to Tron Foundation Chief Executive Officer Justin Sun, over $12.4 billion Tether (USDT) has been issued on the Tron network.

    As a result, the number of transaction counts on TRC20-based USDT is now higher than transactions on ERC20-based tokens.

    Are you looking for fast-news, hot-tips and market analysis? Sign-up for the Invezz newsletter, today.

    The latest chart by data aggregator CoinMetrics revealed that Tron had more transactions than bother Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) combined.

    USDT usage on Tron rises steadily

    The first-ever issued USDT on the Tron blockchain was 10 USDTR, and it was issued in April 2019. Forward to this moment, the number has increased by several multiple folds.

    USDT is also issued on several other chains, including Algorand, EOS, Solana, Liquid, and Bitcoin Cash.

    When it comes to market capitalization between Tron and Ethereum, the latter is still far higher. But in terms of stablecoin usage, both are pretty close to each other.

    Before 2021, the minted USDT using Ethereum’s ERC20 received the highest transaction. But that has changed now, as Tron has marginally taken the lead this year.

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    Transation fees cut down Ethereum’s dominance

    The level of Defi usage and application is increasing at an interesting rate. With Ethereum blocks are getting congested with transactions, while users are being chased away with high transaction fees.

    As a result of these issues, users are increasingly considering Tron as a better and cheaper alternative.

    While Ethereum is larger than Tron by an impressive margin, more users are beginning to take USDT as a more viable option for them.

    More users now invest in Tron (TRX) and prefer using the network because it offers extremely low transaction fees

    USDT was the first to be created when stablecoins came into existence in 2014. It has grown to become the largest stablecoin in the world. They are very attractive to certain types of investors because they are usually less volatile than other types of tokens since they are pegged against the dollar.

    Lindsey Lohan’s Affair With Bitcoin Is Over. It’s Tron’s Turn Now


    Lindsey Lohan’s Affair With Bitcoin Is Over. It’s Tron’s Turn Now

    Lindsay Lohan has been diving into DeFi over the last 24 hours. No, not with Ethereum—with Tron.

    By Jeff Benson

    3 min read



    Yesterday, actress and musical artist Lindsay Lohan publicly discovered Bitcoin. Well, sort of. She auctioned off an Ethereum-based NFT on digital collectible marketplace Rarible after predicting and/or demanding, “Bitcoin to the moon.”

    Over the following 24 hours, several of her 8.4 million Twitter followers and assorted onlookers painstakingly pointed out that Bitcoin is not Ethereum, which is where that non-fungible token resides—along with a whole slew of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications that allow people to lend funds, earn interest, and swap assets without going through a financial institution.

    And now, guys, Lohan totally gets it. She’s been looking into the amazing things that non-Bitcoin blockchains have to offer and she’s come away a big fan of...Tron.

    “Exploring #DeFi and already liking $JST, $SUN on $TRX,” the starlet tweeted today. “Super fast and 0 fee. Good job @justinsuntron”

    Tron, led by wealthy founder and CEO Justin Sun, has positioned itself as an Ethereum competitor. Tron boasts the ability to process about 100x more transactions at a time than Ethereum, no small feat as DeFi apps become increasingly popular. 

    The 66 Ethereum protocols and platforms tracked by DeFi Pulse currently have $40 billion in value locked into them, an indication of how widely they’re used. That represents a record and a 100% increase since the first week of January.


    Tron has tried to get in on the fun. Last year, Sun went on a marketing blitz to drum up users for his blockchain’s DeFi system. 

    "We are creating the same kind of DeFi ecosystem as Ethereum," Sun told the LA Blockchain Summit. "All the Ethereum network products, you can see a same version of Tron products. For example, the MakerDAO on Tron is called JustStable, created by the JUST team. And UniSwap is called JustSwap."

    But Tron is in decline, according to a recent report by VC firm Outlier Ventures. It wrote: "Ethereum killers Tron, EOS, Komodo, and Qtum are seeing a decrease in core development metrics." Tron had a net loss of core developers last year, a sign that its DeFi offerings aren’t translating to increased interest in the network.

    Additionally, Sun and Tron have attracted attention for many of the wrong reasons. Sun has been accused of plagiarizing from the Ethereum whitepaper; Bram Cohen, who created BitTorrent, which Tron bought, accused Sun of withholding payment for the acquisition. And an expose by The Verge in September 2020 ripped Sun as a crypto tyrant, using interviews with anonymous employees.

    To crypto newcomers like Lohan, however, that history (or FUD, for those who back Sun) is likely yet to be discovered. Tron is just Ethereum with more marketing.

    Tron’s marketing emphasis has several people wondering if Lohan was paid for the post. (Tron has not replied to a Decrypt request for comment). If she didn’t get something before, she might in the future: Justin Sun responded to her tweet by asking for her address. “I may send you something,” he wrote. 

    TRON Proposal 51 Set To Make TRX Deflationary Asset


    TRON Proposal 51 Set To Make TRX Deflationary Asset

    The new proposal would increase bandwidth & energy fees by 3,5x in order to encourage higher TRX freezing rate, reduce TRX in circulation & promote TRX's value increase through a deflationary model.


    TRON (TRX) has experienced a weekly value rise of 47%, and a new proposal aimed at making TRX a deflationary asset is currently being voted on by TRON’s Super Representatives (SRs), further increasing the potential growth of TRX and TRX-based tokens.

    Proposal 51 and its goals are simple and could be very impactful for the network:

    Increase the current near-minimal fees for bandwidth and energy by 3,5 times in order to encourage higher freezing rate of TRX, diminish low-value transactions (spam txs), increase security, reduce TRX in circulation, and promote the increase of TRX’s value by eventually making TRX a deflationary asset.

    Proposal 51 was fielded by Klever’s own Head of Blockchain Research and Development, Fernando Sobreira, under the TRON SR Crypto Chain.

    The proposal suggests the following changes to the TRON protocol:

    • Modify the unit price of bandwidth, increase from the current 40sun to 140sun

    • Modify the unit price of energy, increase from the current 40sun to 140sun

    • Modify the configurable upper limit of fee limit, increase from the current 1000000000sun (1000 TRX) to 5000000000sun (5000 TRX)

    Source: TronScan

    To explain bandwidth and energy in simple words, TRON bandwidth allows users to perform transactions on the blockchain without paying extra gas fees, while energy is a special resource used to process smart contracts on the TRON network.

    Proposal 51 is a result of discussions initiated during the last SR meeting where TRON’s representatives presented network statistics following the last energy price increases, which showed that the last upgrade did not reduce valuable transaction volume but it did increase the amount of frozen TRX in the network.

    Following the last TRON Upgrade implemented through Proposal 48, the unit price of energy and bandwidth was increased from 10 sun to 40 sun on November 25, 2020. Since then, TRX’s daily supply output has been greatly reduced due to more burning from resource fees. The number of low-value transactions has also been significantly reduced. Security has been improved with the increase of the freezing rate. Meanwhile, the transaction volume has continued to rise, the increase in resource fees has a positive effect on the network.

    Source: TronScan

    However, although the situation of spam transactions has improved, such low-value transactions still exist, and Proposal 51 is aimed at removing their rate and mitigating the impact of such spam transactions. The other primary goal is to have players freeze more TRX in order to pay less transaction fees.

    Potential risks involved in Proposal 51 would be higher costs for developers, users, and other players such as exchanges to use TRX and TRX-based assets, but this can of course be mitigated by freezing more TRX.

    Moreover, the TRON network may be experiencing increased transaction fees similar to other popular smart contract blockchain chains such as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), although TRON blockchain still remains the faster in terms of speed and delivery.

    It is important to note that TRON has grown exponentially over the past year to house the most active addresses of any blockchain, besides Bitcoin.

    For instance, today on February 10, Bitcoin had 1.17 million active addresses, TRON 634k and Ethereum 604k. Comparing transaction count between these three dominant networks shows Bitcoin at 330k daily txs, TRON 3.18 million txs, and Ethereum 1.23 million txs. It is becoming clear that TRON’s speed for transaction delivery and relatively low transaction fees compared to other blockchains has facilitated this rise.


    Moreover, USDTt (USDT-TRON) currently holds $10.5 billion USDT in assets running on the TRON network, which is roughly 1/3 of USDT-Tether’s total market cap of $30 billion.

    The rest is primarily running on top of Ethereum with $19.1B, while the previously dominant BTC-based Omni has fallen to only hold $1.3B USDT. Once again, this clearly shows that low fees and fast transactions are what users and exchanges are seeking, as well as choosing.

    To conclude, if the vote for Proposal 51 is passed, it will further increase the network freezing rate and total frozen amount, reduce TRX in circulation, promote the increase of TRX value, restrain the number of low-value transactions and reduce their harm, and improve the security and reliability of the TRON network.

    Klever fully supports Proposal 51 as part of our goal for the whole blockchain ecosystem to grow together, increasing security, removing spam transactions, and valuing cooperation between validators and other players in the crypto industry.


    Misha Lederman

    Director of Communications at

    TRON is becoming the first deflation crypto? TRX week-over-week gains pass 50%


    • TRON has ended its upswing after failing to break the $0.6 mark.
    • The influx in price is caused in by the protocol upgrade, which is most likely already priced in.
    • TRX will most likely experience a pullback towards the $0.538 level.

    TRON (TRX) has ended its upswing by creating a new all-time high just under $0.6. What’s the reason for this price surge and should you buy some TRX now?

    Fundamental analysis: new update proposal already priced in?

    TRON is a blockchain-based operating system that can handle a massive amount of transactions. While Bitcoin can deal with up to six transactions per second, and Ethereum with up to 25, TRON states that its network has the capacity for 2,000 transactions per second.

    Are you looking for fast-news, hot-tips and market analysis? Sign-up for the Invezz newsletter, today.

    TRON is also one of the more popular blockchains for building Decentralized Applications (DApps) and is mostly focused on content sharing and entertainment. The project is also known for the aquisition of the file sharing service BitTorrent.

    Tron has just approved No.51 committee proposal, which was more than well-accepted by its community. This information has reflected to its price beforehand, and is most likely already priced in. However, TRX still has a lot of upside.

    TRON posted week-over-week gains of 52.73%, outperforming both Bitcoin’s 25.12% gain and Ethereum‘s 6.74% gain. Tron is currently the 21s-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, and currently boasts a market value of $3.91 billion.

    At the time of writing, TRX is trading for $0.553, which represents a price increase of 94.75% when compared to the previous month’s value.

    Tip: looking for an app to invest wisely? Trade safely by signing-up with our preferred choice, eToro: visit & create account

    TRX/USD technical analysis: healthy retracement in play after a massive upswing

    The 21st-largest cryptocurrency by market cap has seemingly ended its uptrend after hitting an all-time high of $0.6. TRON’s current price seems very overextended, and while the cryptocurrency has a lot of upside potential, its price will most likely experience a slight downturn.

    TRON has seen volume increase across the board, both for its upswings and downswings. If TRX manages to pass the $0.6 resistance level, it will most likely face the next resistance at -27.2% Fib retracement level of $0.662. On the other hand, its first strong support level is at the 23.6% Fib retracement level of $0.538.

    TRX/USD daily chart
    TRX/USD daily chart

    TRON’s RSI on the daily time-frame is currently well into the overbought territory, with its current value sitting at 80.76.

    TRX/USD 1-hour chart
    TRX/USD 1-hour chart

    Zooming in to the hourly time-frame, we can see TRX’s price increase on increased volume. The 21-hour EMA seems to provide strong immediate support to TRX, while the 50-hour EMA is right underneath it as the next support level..

    While it is most likely true that the incoming protocol upgrade is already priced in, TRX has a lot of upside potential.

    Cryptocurrency Market analysis