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Showing posts with label Blockchain. Show all posts

TRON 2021 Global DeFi Hackathon Developer Contest Application Guide


TRON Hackathon Great Voyage Embarks


SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 17, 2021 / TRON, one of the largest and most popular blockchain-based operating systems in the world, has announced the launch of "Great Voyage :TRON 2021 Global DeFi Hackathon". 2021 marks the fifth year since the inception of TRON. To commemorate this occasion, TRON Foundation is offering a new hackathon program as part of the $120 million TRON DeFi Entrepreneurial Alliance Support Program.

In Q1 2021, the focus will be on enhancing the TRON DeFi ecosystem, TRON Parachain slots auction and powering SUN with the SUN Network. In order to promote the organic growth of the TRON DeFi ecosystem and encourage DeFi innovation in the community, the TRON 2021 Global DeFi Developer Hackathon, with an aggregate bounty of $10 Million, which kicked off on Feb 3rd, 2021. In doing so, the foundation hopes to encourage more entrepreneurs and development teams to participate in building the TRON DeFi ecosystem.

All blockchain/smart contract developers, product managers and designers are eligible to sign up for the contest. Contestants who finish developing an open-source DeFi project on the TRON network before the deadline will be viewed as eligible participants. The contest is also open to any existing DeFi project under development on TRON or other blockchains, as long as it meets the requirements.

Meanwhile, the judging panel comprising expert developers and community KOLs are currently being recruited. Interested applicants are welcome to contact TRON at

The entry categories will be: Lending, DEX, payment, protocol interfaces, infrastructure, analysis & visualization, stablecoin, insurance, NFT, computing power-based mining and BTFS.

Registration began on February 5th, 2021 and will end on February 28th, 2021. When registering, contestants are required to specify the category of the entry, project name and complete the registration form. It is advised that contestants give a detailed description of their project in the form. Given that some projects may take a long time to develop, applicants who miss the TRON 2021 Global DeFi Developer Hackathon will be enrolled in the 2022 Hackathon.

Pre-screening will happen between March 1st and March 7th, 2021. The contest organizing committee will screen all entries through a live stream, and qualified contestants or teams will enter the next stage - development.

From March 8th, 2021 to May 1st, 2021, the organizing committee will hold weekly conference calls with development teams, where contestants are given an opportunity to update their progress. TRON is open to new registrations during the development stage.

The final review will be from May 2nd to May 8th, 2021. The panel will comprise of experts, KOLs and a public review board, whose scores account for 40%, 20% and 40% respectively of the final score. Experts and community KOLs will be scoring the entries in live streaming, while public reviewers will vote with TRX and SUN. The full score is 100 points, and projects with 80 points or more can get [Justin's Incentive Prize] of $50,000.which will be awarded to every participant whose project meets the judge's criteria (the final evaluation scores 80 points or more).

Public review board: Community members can choose projects that they are interested in and use TRX or SUN for voting .


  1. Participants are required to develop DeFi projects on the TRON network.
  2. When developing, developers must use tools including but not limited to JustSwap, JustLink and TronGrid, and store source code on Github.
  3. Complete registration in time. After passing initial screening, contestants should disclose project progress as required, otherwise the entry projects will be disqualified.
  4. Entry projects must observe relevant laws and regulations of the countries where the project team registered.
  5. To attract wider participation in the contest, we encourage participants to team up in the contest, where each offers their own set of expertise, like product design, coding, UI design, etc. Therefore, individual participants can send descriptions of their own expertise, the qualification they need and Telegram ID to the official email address. We will match individual participants according to their own skillsets. In this way, people who would like to devote themselves to blockchain entrepreneurship will also be able to enjoy the charm of decentralization.


Total prize pool: 10 Million USD

[TRON Special Prize (shared by 1 winner)] 500,000 USD

[First Prize (shared by 5 winners)] 1 Million USD

[Second Prize (shared by 10 winners)] 1 Million USD

[Justin's Incentive Prize] 50,000 USD

The special prizes, first prizes and second prizes will only be given out if there are eligible entries. In the case of no application or no eligible entry, the corresponding award will be cancelled and the prizes will be accumulated to Developer Challenge 2022.

On top of prizes, awarded projects will receive additional support including but not limited to:

  1. Listing on Poloniex and other exchanges supporting the TRON ecosystem;
  2. Fast-track listing on TRON-powered DEXs such as JustSwap and PoloniDEX;
    Awarded projects will be featured on a dedicated page. Users can stake SUN to vote for their favorite projects, and the most voted project will get extra exposure and the chance to receive funding from TRON Foundation.
  3. Included into the DApp section on TRONLINK and other TRON-supporting wallets with featured banner; gaining traffic from 2 billion users on BitTorrent and Utorrent clients;
  4. Promotions on Justin Sun's Personal Social Media, TRON social media, and other official accounts of TRON Foundation.

How to Enter:

  1. Join the Discord community at
  2. Fill out the application form at

About TRON

TRON is dedicated to accelerating and the decentralization of the internet through blockchain technology and decentralized applications. Founded in September 2017 by Justin Sun, the company has delivered a series of achievements, including MainNet launch on May 2018, network independence on June 2018, and TRON Virtual Machine launch on August 2018. July 2018 also marked the acquisition of BitTorrent, a pioneer in decentralized services boasting approximately 100M monthly active users.


The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the TRON Foundation.

Additional resource:

TRON Developer Guide:



Cripto TRON (TRX) en el 2021


Cripto TRON en el 2021 

La cripto TRON pertenece a la lista de las monedas digitales más populares del momento. aunque el objetivo apunta  dos lados de la moneda, por un lado las personas qué creen qué este proyecto brindara resultados favorables, y por el otro, los expertos que aseguran que esta moneda podría caer en cualquier momento. 

Un crecimiento lento 

Cripto TRON en el 2021

No podemos negar que la cripto TRON ha tenido un crime ciento lento, desde su nacimiento en 2017, pero es imposible ignorar su participación en la lista de las mejores criptomonedas del mercado, incluso ha ocupado el puesto número 10. 

Tron fue creada por Justin Sun, el CEO de una empresa sin fines de lucro con sede en Singapur, conocida cómo Tron Foundation. Creció siendo el token ERC20 y pertenece a la red Ethereum, pero tiempo después, en 2018, logró crear su propia blockchain. 

La cripto TRON, nace con el objetivo de optimizar la relación entre los creadores de contenido y los consumidores. Esta moneda digital trabaja mediante Delegated Proof-of-Stake, el cual es un algoritmo derivado de Proof of Stake que brinda la posibilidad de generar ingresos pasivos. 

TRON en el mercado 

A mediados del año 2017, la cripto tenía un valor de 0.002 USD, los siguientes dos años no fueron nada alentadores para la moneda digital, pero la llegada del 2020, trajo consigo grandes oportunidades para la industria, beneficios que TRON recibió, ya que incrementó más de un 80%. Hoy en 2021, tiene un precio de 0.05 UDS; y se espera que este incremento en los próximos días. 

Los proyectos de la empresa y la cripto TRON, son muy ambiciosos; el intentar devolver el poder  a los creadores de contenido puede abrir muchas puertas, si lo usuarios deciden comercializar con TRON, pero no podemos cantar victoria, ya que será necesario ver “al menos” algunas colaboraciones culminadas para que los usuarios confíen en la cripto. 

De igual manera, el proyecto en su totalidad se encuentra en una  fase inicial, así que todo podría sorprendernos. Esta criptomoneda podría convertirse en tu opción ideal para incrementar tus ingresos durante el 2021. 

TRON (TRX) marginally ahead of Ethereum (ETH) for total USDT usage


TRON (TRX) marginally ahead of Ethereum (ETH) for total USDT usage

  • The numbers of USDT transactions on Tron have surpassed the USDT transaction volume on Ethereum.
  • Ethereum still tops Tron in terms of market capitalization but Tron is closing the gap on other metrics.
  • High transaction fees on ETH is driving users towards the adoption of Tron as a more feasible alternative.

Tron (TRX) is evolving as the fastest-growing blockchain for USDT issuance. According to Tron Foundation Chief Executive Officer Justin Sun, over $12.4 billion Tether (USDT) has been issued on the Tron network.

As a result, the number of transaction counts on TRC20-based USDT is now higher than transactions on ERC20-based tokens.

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The latest chart by data aggregator CoinMetrics revealed that Tron had more transactions than bother Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) combined.

USDT usage on Tron rises steadily

The first-ever issued USDT on the Tron blockchain was 10 USDTR, and it was issued in April 2019. Forward to this moment, the number has increased by several multiple folds.

USDT is also issued on several other chains, including Algorand, EOS, Solana, Liquid, and Bitcoin Cash.

When it comes to market capitalization between Tron and Ethereum, the latter is still far higher. But in terms of stablecoin usage, both are pretty close to each other.

Before 2021, the minted USDT using Ethereum’s ERC20 received the highest transaction. But that has changed now, as Tron has marginally taken the lead this year.

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Transation fees cut down Ethereum’s dominance

The level of Defi usage and application is increasing at an interesting rate. With Ethereum blocks are getting congested with transactions, while users are being chased away with high transaction fees.

As a result of these issues, users are increasingly considering Tron as a better and cheaper alternative.

While Ethereum is larger than Tron by an impressive margin, more users are beginning to take USDT as a more viable option for them.

More users now invest in Tron (TRX) and prefer using the network because it offers extremely low transaction fees

USDT was the first to be created when stablecoins came into existence in 2014. It has grown to become the largest stablecoin in the world. They are very attractive to certain types of investors because they are usually less volatile than other types of tokens since they are pegged against the dollar.

TRON Proposal 51 Set To Make TRX Deflationary Asset


TRON Proposal 51 Set To Make TRX Deflationary Asset

The new proposal would increase bandwidth & energy fees by 3,5x in order to encourage higher TRX freezing rate, reduce TRX in circulation & promote TRX's value increase through a deflationary model.


TRON (TRX) has experienced a weekly value rise of 47%, and a new proposal aimed at making TRX a deflationary asset is currently being voted on by TRON’s Super Representatives (SRs), further increasing the potential growth of TRX and TRX-based tokens.

Proposal 51 and its goals are simple and could be very impactful for the network:

Increase the current near-minimal fees for bandwidth and energy by 3,5 times in order to encourage higher freezing rate of TRX, diminish low-value transactions (spam txs), increase security, reduce TRX in circulation, and promote the increase of TRX’s value by eventually making TRX a deflationary asset.

Proposal 51 was fielded by Klever’s own Head of Blockchain Research and Development, Fernando Sobreira, under the TRON SR Crypto Chain.

The proposal suggests the following changes to the TRON protocol:

  • Modify the unit price of bandwidth, increase from the current 40sun to 140sun

  • Modify the unit price of energy, increase from the current 40sun to 140sun

  • Modify the configurable upper limit of fee limit, increase from the current 1000000000sun (1000 TRX) to 5000000000sun (5000 TRX)

Source: TronScan

To explain bandwidth and energy in simple words, TRON bandwidth allows users to perform transactions on the blockchain without paying extra gas fees, while energy is a special resource used to process smart contracts on the TRON network.

Proposal 51 is a result of discussions initiated during the last SR meeting where TRON’s representatives presented network statistics following the last energy price increases, which showed that the last upgrade did not reduce valuable transaction volume but it did increase the amount of frozen TRX in the network.

Following the last TRON Upgrade implemented through Proposal 48, the unit price of energy and bandwidth was increased from 10 sun to 40 sun on November 25, 2020. Since then, TRX’s daily supply output has been greatly reduced due to more burning from resource fees. The number of low-value transactions has also been significantly reduced. Security has been improved with the increase of the freezing rate. Meanwhile, the transaction volume has continued to rise, the increase in resource fees has a positive effect on the network.

Source: TronScan

However, although the situation of spam transactions has improved, such low-value transactions still exist, and Proposal 51 is aimed at removing their rate and mitigating the impact of such spam transactions. The other primary goal is to have players freeze more TRX in order to pay less transaction fees.

Potential risks involved in Proposal 51 would be higher costs for developers, users, and other players such as exchanges to use TRX and TRX-based assets, but this can of course be mitigated by freezing more TRX.

Moreover, the TRON network may be experiencing increased transaction fees similar to other popular smart contract blockchain chains such as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), although TRON blockchain still remains the faster in terms of speed and delivery.

It is important to note that TRON has grown exponentially over the past year to house the most active addresses of any blockchain, besides Bitcoin.

For instance, today on February 10, Bitcoin had 1.17 million active addresses, TRON 634k and Ethereum 604k. Comparing transaction count between these three dominant networks shows Bitcoin at 330k daily txs, TRON 3.18 million txs, and Ethereum 1.23 million txs. It is becoming clear that TRON’s speed for transaction delivery and relatively low transaction fees compared to other blockchains has facilitated this rise.


Moreover, USDTt (USDT-TRON) currently holds $10.5 billion USDT in assets running on the TRON network, which is roughly 1/3 of USDT-Tether’s total market cap of $30 billion.

The rest is primarily running on top of Ethereum with $19.1B, while the previously dominant BTC-based Omni has fallen to only hold $1.3B USDT. Once again, this clearly shows that low fees and fast transactions are what users and exchanges are seeking, as well as choosing.

To conclude, if the vote for Proposal 51 is passed, it will further increase the network freezing rate and total frozen amount, reduce TRX in circulation, promote the increase of TRX value, restrain the number of low-value transactions and reduce their harm, and improve the security and reliability of the TRON network.

Klever fully supports Proposal 51 as part of our goal for the whole blockchain ecosystem to grow together, increasing security, removing spam transactions, and valuing cooperation between validators and other players in the crypto industry.


Misha Lederman

Director of Communications at